Higher Secondary Programme

Under the Assam Higher Secondary Education Council, Guwahati, Assam, the institution exclusively provides a two-year Higher Secondary Course in the Arts stream. Admission is determined solely by merit and is governed by the rules set out by the Assam Higher Secondary Education Council (AHSEC).

Medium :
There are two parts to the higher secondary program. Students learning English medium should use one, while those learning Assamese medium should use the other.

Eligibility :
A student may be admitted to the first year of the two-year H.S. program in Arts provided they have completed the High School Leaving Certificate Examination or an equivalent test (10+) approved by the AHSEC.

Combination of Subjects :
Core Subjects: 1. English 2. Alternative English/MIL (Assamese)
Elective courses: Students must choose four courses from the following lists, one of which is elective.

Lists :
Political Science

Distribution of Marks
Subjects H.S. 1st Year* H.S. 2nd Year*
English 100 100
MIL (Assamese)/ Alt. English 100 100
Elective- I 100 100
Elective- II 100 100
Elective- III 100 100
Elective- IV** 100 100

*For elective subjects with practical: Theory- 70 Marks & Practical- 30 Marks
** Marks of fourth subject is not added to the aggregate.

Note: In the first year, environment education serves as a qualifying subject, and students have to take in a 50-point exam.