
About Library

A library is the heart of any educational institution. Lakhipur College library serves as a hub for learning, research and academic growth. It provides access to wide range of resources, including books, journals, CDs and supporting students and faculty in their academics pursuit. The Library was established in 1981, since it was playing a vital role growth and development of the college. The library is situated in the administrative building with 1500(approx) square feet floor area and it has a reading room with 50+ seating capacity for library users.

The library has comprises more than 10000 items of textbooks, reference books etc. Library uses ILMS (Integrated Library Management Software) SOUL 3.0 and classification of resources based on DDC 19th edition. For E-Resources, our library has become an active member of NDLI (National Digital Library of India), INFLIBNET centre and N-LIST consortia.

Library At Glance

Name of the Library Lakhipur College Library
Year of Establishment 1981
Library Building Part of Administrative Building
Library Timings 9:00 A.M to 5:00 P.M on all working days
Nature of Access Open Access
Area of the Library 1500sq.ft
Classification Scheme DDC19th edition
Automation Software SOUL 3.0