Student Feedback Student feedbackFirst NameLast NameRoll noSessionDepartmentSemesterHow do you rate the allocation of credits and hours to the courses? Poor Average Good Very Good ExcellentHow do you qualify the relevance of syllabus of each course to the recent trends and developments? Poor Average Good Very Good ExcellentThe entire syllabus was covered in the class? Poor Average Good Very Good ExcellentYour observation on the usage of ICT tools? Yes NoFairness of the internal evaluation process by the teachers? Poor Average Good Very Good ExcellentThe institute takes active interest in promoting internship, student exchange, field visit opportunities for students? Poor Average Good Very Good ExcellentTeachers inform you about your expected competencies, course outcomes and programme outcomes? Yes NoTeachers are able to identify your weaknesses and help you to overcome them? Poor Average Good Very Good ExcellentHow do you rate the various provisions for extension and co-curricular and extra-curricular activities of the college? Poor Average Good Very Good ExcellentRate the overall teaching-learning process in your institution? Poor Average Good Very Good ExcellentHow you grade the Principal of the college? Poor Average Good Very Good Excellent Is the college intellectually enriched? Poor Average Good Very Good ExcellentGive three suggestions to improve the overall teaching-learning experienceSuggestion 1Suggestion 2Suggestion 3Submit Form